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Research registration at Roskilde University: Dataset

Datasets in Pure

In line with the Open Science-vision from 2021, Roskilde University aims to follow the first step of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) when working with datasets. You can now use Pure to create a metadata record of your datasets and in this way make information about your research data visible on the university’s research portal, 

Metadata records of your datasets can be reported by importing already existing metadata about datasets via Data Monitor in Pure (see instructions in box in the middle) or by entering metadata about datasets manually in Pure (see instructions in box to the right).

NB Pure metadata records will only be validated when the dataset has an associated DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Contact if you use a Persistent IDentifier (PID) other than DOI.


Please contact if you have questions regarding datasets in Pure. 

Import metadata about datasets into Pure

This guide shows how to import research data metadata into Pure via 

Create a metadata record of your dataset in Pure

This guide shows you how to register research data metadata in Pure.