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Velkommen til bibliotekets libguides: English

How do you hand in a book? Or change your PIN for the library system? In this guide, you will find help to use the library’s self-service solutions and other practical information you might need when you are new to RUC.

Literature Search? Reference Management? Nvivo? Mendeley or Data Management? The library has lots of free courses for students and researchers at RUC. Get an overview and sign up here…

Can other use and share your productions? Are you using images illegally in your project report? Read more about copyright, creative commons and where to find materials that you can legally use here…


Research registration in PURE? Should you consider publishing Open Access? Linking to teaching materials? The library’s research support guide strives to guide RUC’s researchers in the library’s areas of expertise.

If you need help searching for literature, you can book a librarian for an hour (only students and staff at RUC). Send us as much information about your project as possible. This way we can better help you.

It is important that you use Generative AI carefully, critically and reflectively. In this libguide, we have collected information about RUC's GAI guidelines as well as citation and declaration of use of GAI.

Do you reference sources correctly? Where do you find information about citations styles? Or, how do you keep track of the literature that you find? This guide gives you knowledge, tips and tools that will help you maintain the overview.

Do you know how to find the best and most relevant literature for your project or are you drowning in results? Read up on search techniques and find good advice and tips to your literature search here…

Reference works? Mediastream? Or the right database for a systematic literature review? In addition to the library catalogue, you have access to search different databases through the library.

How do you store research data? Both students and researchers at RUC are obliged to store and handle research data in a responsible manner. For more on how you comply with GDPR, ethical guidelines and best practices read more here…

Libguide coming soon