Green Open Access
With Green Open Access, the author makes a traditional publication, usually in a journal, and deposits either simultaneously or later a manuscript version of the article in Pure, or alternatively in another open repository (e.g., or PubMed Central). The deposited manuscript is typically the peer-reviewed post-print. There is no cost to publish Green Open Access, but post-prints are generally subject to an embargo period of 6 to 24 months.
Gold Open Access
Gold Open Access is publishing in pure Open Access journals, where there is free and unrestricted access to all articles. Gold Open Access journals typically operate with a publication fee, known as an APC (Article Processing Charge), for publishing articles. The APC is usually covered by funding providers, the authors’ institutions, or the authors themselves.
Hybrid Open Access
Hybrid Open Access is when individual articles in a journal can be purchased for Open Access. Articles in hybrid Open Access journals will thus be a mix of Open Access articles and subscription-based articles. Most traditional scientific journals with subscription fees offer the possibility to publish Open Access by paying an APC. As a RUC researcher, there is the option to publish without an APC, meaning for free, in a number of hybrid Open Access journals. See the tab in this guide on Publisher Agreements.
Diamond Open Access
Diamond Open Access is publishing in Open Access journals that do not operate with an APC. Therefore, there is no cost to publish in Diamond Open Access journals. Diamond Open Access journals and their platforms are typically funded or operated by research institutions, foundations, or university libraries.
In 2022, Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency launched the "Action Plan for Diamond Open Access," which aims to develop and strengthen the opportunities for APC-free publishing.
In the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), you can search for discipline-specific Diamond Open Access journals.
Many researchers are unsure which manuscript version they are allowed to upload to Pure, including which embargo rules apply. You are always welcome to simply submit your manuscript (pre- or postprint) to without doing anything else. Roskilde University Library ensures that the manuscript is correctly uploaded in Pure, and that any embargo periods as well as rules and requirements from the journals are respected.
We recommend that you keep a copy of the Accepted Manuscript yourself. You are always welcome to send this directly to the library at, in orden for us to help you with the upload.
If you are not the corresponding author on the article, ask them to send you the accepted manuscript.
You can also, if it concerns large international publishers, see in the guide from the Open Access Button how authors can requisition accepted manuscripts from the publisher's online manuscript systems.