When you are teaching, you have to pay attention to copyright so you do not violate others’ copyrights. On this site, you will be able to see which rules are in place when it comes to teaching. What is important to note is that you need to pay attention to the fact that there are different rules in place for whether you use physical or digital materials.
You are allowed to
You are not allowed to
By uploading the full-text on Moodle or through e-mail, the license agreement is violated and you risk starting a potential illegal chain of distribution of the material.
Access to e-resources that require licenses
You have access to many different electronic books and journals from different databases through the library system, as well as the database list on the library’s intra-site. These materials have been bought under licenses with several publishers. These license agreements give both students and teachers access to the materials – either physically at the library or remotely.
The publishers are not interested in the distribution of their paid-for contents with people outside of RUC or people not using the library computers. That is why the above is in effect when it comes to what you are allowed to and not allowed to when using or sharing electronic materials.
When giving stuedents access to texts in Moodle, we recommend using Permalinks which are found in the library system
This is a legal way to share electronic materials and at the same time allows the library to record the actual use of the purchased databases preventing cancellation of ressources that are actually used.
Guide to permalinks:
This is the maximum amount you are allowed to copy, print, or scan of a publication per student per semester:
Copies or scans from printed texts
It is allowed to:
This represent the most important points about copying, scanning and printing in accordance with agreements between Copydan and Danish Universities / RUC.
No distinction is made between copy, print, scan, etc. It is allowed to freely choose between analogue and digital copying methods. Thus, all copying methods will be considered as copying. Read more at Copydan tekst & node.
RUC has made an agreement with VISDA
This means that you, as a teacher, can use digital images legally if they are on the internet. IMAGES are defined as visual art, drawings, illustrations, photographs, etc.
Images found in books, articles, postcards, etc., are also fine for you to copy and use in, for example, your PowerPoints or on Moodle.
Pictures where the copyright has expired
If the image is more than 70 years old, its copyright protection has expired, and you can freely use the image.
The image cannot be edited to a large extent or offend the artist.
Read more at VISDA
TV programs
If you want to use TV programs in your teaching, then RUC has access to Mediestream.The programs can only be used in a teaching or research context.
If you want to use radio or TV channels in your teaching, then you can find these on Mediestream.dk. In addition, RUC has an AVU basis agreement about TV programs from DR1, DR2, and TV2 (Danish television stations), as well as the sign language channel, and radio channels DR P1-P4. The programs broadcasted on these can be stored and used for teaching, and also be distributed through Moodle.
You can find a number of free movies on The Internet Archive, which you can use in your teaching.
It is allowed to legally show uploaded videos from YouTube, as well as embedding them in Moodle. We generally have no agreements concerning full-length films, and here you, as a teacher, need to personally collect the permission for showing it in class.
On Mediestream.dk you can find different advertisements from different periods, which you are permitted to use in your teaching.
RUC has no agreement in this area. It is up to the teacher to personally get permissions from the creators when using their music. It is, however, possible to find legal music in other places – learn more under Find legal material
There is access via Mediestream.dk to all Danish newspapers older than 100 years
If you, as a teacher in Denmark, want to know more about e-learning in general, then visit UBVA’s informative site about this.
Here, legal experts have collected knowledge on the use of pictures when teaching, using radio/TV, webcasts, your own rights as a teacher, and much more. undervislovligt.dk