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Copyright: Copyright for Researchers

Copyright for reseachers


The copyright for your publications generally belongs to you as a researcher, unless otherwise agreed between you and your workplace/institution. When publishing, you must pay attention to whether you assign your copyright to the publisher. This has implications for your right to parallel-publish e.g. in connection with the publication of a Ph.d. or for publication via PURE and the publication list on your researcher profile, use of your material in teaching, etc.

If you use images or graphics in your publications/books that are not your own, you must ensure that you have obtained permission from the author. Otherwise, it is illegal and you may risk that your article or your P.hd. cannot be published. If you have obtained the rights for use, please remember to credit the owner.


Remember that the responsibility for complying with the applicable rules on copyright rests with the user of a given material. The information in this guide is intended as inspiration and general guidance and therefore does not constitute and cannot replace personal legal advice.

The Researcher Portal

The Committee for Protection of Scientific Work (UBVA) has created (the Researcher Portal) which provides information on legal and ethical issues in relation to research. On this site you can get information on, for example, your rights in relation to research, publishing, academic freedom, responsible conduct of research etc.  


UBVA is a standing committee under the Academics, which looks after the interests of the academics in matters of copyright and patent law.
If you have questions, e.g. in relation to your publication rights, webcast participation, teaching copyright, etc. you can get free advice from the Committee for the Protection of Scientific Work from leading lawyers in the field.

THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS. This guide is intended for inspiration and general guidance and therefore does not replace  personal, legal, or academic advice. It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with applicable regulations.