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Copyright: Copyright for Students

Copyright and your own purchased materials

You, of course, also buy books yourself – and here, you need to pay attention to the following:

Copying from your printed books
You can make copies of a printed book but only for personal use – which means for yourself or for your closest circle of acquaintances. You can only make 1-2 copies. If you only want to copy some pages, then you are allowed to make up to 5-6 copies of a page.
If you want to scan the book, then it is only yourself and members of your household who are allowed to use the scanned copy.
It is not allowed to utilize professional print and copy services to create copies of, for example, textbooks. Here, you are only allowed to make your own copies of yours or others’ assignments - if they have given you permission.

Copying from purchased e-books
If you have bought an e-book, then you are allowed to make a copy for yourself or your household. This means that you are allowed to make a digital copy and, for example, give your roommate access to it. You are, however, not allowed to share the e-book with others outside of your household; e.g. friends, fellow students, on websites etc. If you live in a bigger student residence (i.e. a ‘kollegium’) then those who live there do not count as members of your household.

Copying from websites
The content on websites is also protected by copyright. That is why you are not allowed to just copy things like text, sound, or pictures straight from a website. This type of copying is only allowed if it is for personal use within your household or if there is explicit permission that you can copy the website’s content from the owner of the website. It is not legal to share content from online learning tools or reference publications that you bought a license for or got access to through your university.

Copyright at RUC as a student

Using pictures
When you are writing assignments or presentations you sometimes need to use pictures. Normally, you are not allowed to copy pictures from the internet, journals, books, or other places without getting permission from the creator. It can, in some instances, appear clearly if you are allowed to use it. You can legally use a picture if the copyright has expired (but you still need credit the creator).
RUC has a license agreement with VISDA which supplements the agreement on copies for teaching between Copydan and the universities. This agreement gives, with a few limitations and exceptions, RUC’s teachers and students permission to use pictures for educational purposes. This includes all types of visual art, such as photographs, drawings, illustrations, paintings, sculptures, arts-and-crafts, graphics arts etc. There are no limitations as to how many pictures you can use but you should always remember to write the creator’s name either underneath or somewhere close to the picture. Pay attention to the fact that the use of pictures with copyright in, for example, a project presupposes that the project is entry or password protected and therefore should not be accessible from public platforms. See the full agreement with the limitations and exceptions here: . Kun på dansk?

Copying from printed books as a RUC student
You are allowed to copy from printed books at the library but only for personal use. This means that you can make a copy for yourself or others in your household, and a limited number of close friends/fellow students. If you are making a digital copy of a physical book, then it is only yourself who is allowed to use it.
Copying from an e-book as a RUC student
You are not allowed to make copies of an e-book and share it with others. That means that you cannot, for example, send it to others, share it via Moodle, print it and give out the copies to others.

There might come a time where you need to use music in some of your assignments. In that case, you need permission from the creators. You can also find legal music that you use.

You are allowed to create links to legal material on the internet. You are not allowed to copy the webpage and insert it into an assignment unless you have permission from the creator.

Recording of classes at RUC
You are not allowed to record a class and post it on the internet without consent from the students in that class and the teacher. Conversely, your teacher also needs consent from you to record a webcast, for example, if you participated actively. The webcast cannot be published without your consent.

Your own productions
You are the creator of your own productions, presentations etc. That means you are protected by copyright and that others cannot use your works without your permission. Your teacher cannot, for example, post your work on Moodle without your consent.

How to avoid plagiarism

You are not allowed to reuse others’ work without giving them credit. If you do that, then you have plagiarized and that can have serious consequences.

Plagiarizing from your own works
If you copy content from former assignments that you have submitted at RUC and you do not cite those, then that is also plagiarism.
Se Kulturministeriet folder God citatskik og plagiat i tekster her OBS: Kun på dansk
Learn more about it through the project Stop Plagiarism:

Students’ rights regarding e-learning

You can read more on your rights as a student regarding e-learning at Undervislovligt

How to use quotes correctly

A quote should be limited to what is strictly necessary

  • You can only use a minimal part of the work you cite from
  • The quote needs to have a purpose in your own work
  • It should only play a smaller part in your own work
  • Layout-wise, it needs to be clear where the quote begins and ends in your work
  • A quote should always be referenced: you need to include where the quote is from and who the author is

You can use a quote from a work without asking the author permission first if the rules above are met.

About this guide

Remember that the responsibility for complying with the applicable rules on copyright rests with the user of a given material. The information in this guide is provided as inspiration and are neither constituted of or a substitute for personal legal advice.