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Contact: When you publish

Open Access (OA)

Open Access (OA) can help you make your scientific publications more widely available online, and thereby potentially increase your citations. The Library can help you upload articles to Pure and, if you published under a standard contract with the publisher, we can counsel you regarding the embargo period for the given article. Non-standard contracts will have to undergo further scrutiny. Read more about OA here or contact our OA specialists at

Journal metrics

Journal metrics measures the relationship between the number of articles in a journal over a set period and their number of citations. These indicators are usually based on data from Web of Science (Clarivate) or Scopus (Elsevier). There is a wide variety of journal indicators, which measures the relationship between number of articles and citations differently depending on the indicator in questions focus. Some of these takes citation patterns in different fields of research into account (e.g. SNIP, SJR), whereas others does not (e.g. JIF, IPP). Others excludes citations from articles in the same journal (e.g. Eigenfactor score) etc.
The Library can help compare journal metrics for journals of interest. Contact the Library Research Support team for assistance:
Be aware that the use of journal metrics as indicators of research impact has received criticism in recent years (see the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

Publish an online journal for free
The Royal Danish Library offer journal editors affiliated with universities in Denmark to publish journals for free at is a server built on Open Journal Systems (OJS), and it acts as a publishing platform for electronic journals. OJS is able to handle editorial work – communication between editors, assessors and authors – as well as the final online publication. At, all journals will get their own website, where their publications can be accessed.

We have courses that help your editors get started with the use of the system. You will get help to set up your website and learn how to carry out editorial work in the system.
If you are interested in publishing your online journal at, you can start by reading more about who can publish on (in Danish) and criteria for the editorial team. Then contact the editors at

The advantages of publishing a journal at

  • Publication of a journal at is free of charge for the editorial team. The journal and the Royal Danish Library will sign a contract, describing the service in regards of establishing, operation, and support of the journal.
  • supports the whole editorial workflow from call-for-paper, to submission of manuscripts, peer review, and publication. In other words, enables you to perform all the editorial work in one place.
  • The Royal Danish Library will help establish the journal's site at in collaboration with the editorial team. Editorial teams are offered a thorough introduction to the setup and use of the publication software behind, Open Journal Systems (OJS).
  • The journals on can be published as Open Access. Open Access means that readers can access the journal's content without login or payment. If you choose to oublish your journal Open Access, it can reach more people - both other researchers and scientists as well as the general public.
  • The Royal Danish Library can help set up a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the journal articles as well as offer guidance on how to get the journal indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). These measures enhance the visibility, impact, and credibility of the journal.


Registration of Research in Pure

Pure is RUC’s system for registering all researchers’ activities, projects and more. Data from Pure is displayed at RUC’s website at You can access Pure through

Read more about research registration in Pure here.

Research data connected to publications

When you publish your research data, it is recommended that you attach a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). A DOI is a unique and permanent ID for your research data. With a DOI your research data can be unambiguously identified and cited and furthermore it ensures long term access to your research data. Read more here.

Table of Contents and database search alerts

Use automated alerts to stay updated in your field of research and get a good overview of new materials published within your field. Most publishers offer to send free Table of Contents of recent relevant publications, a so-called ToC alert. The ToC alert is sent as either e-mail or RSS and is created by making a personal profile on the publisher’s website and selecting relevant subjects or publications. 
Most databases and large publishers of electronic journals also offer search alerts, which gives you the possibility to monitor new publications based on topics specified beforehand. Search alerts are made through personal profiles on the publishers’ websites or at the individual databases. 

Contact research support when you need help with ToCs and search alerts.

Copyright when you publish

The copyright is usually yours as a researcher, unless special agreements have been made between you and your institution/employer. When you publish, be aware whether you transfer your copyright to the publisher as this has an impact for your right to make parallel publications. The Library offers advice on publishing and copyrights. Read more here.

Licenses for research data

When you publish research data you should carefully consider under which license you publish. In many repositories you are given the option to choose between several license types. If you wish to give extensive rights of use for your data you can consider publishing under a Creative Commons license. There are six different types of Creative Commons licenses, which allow you to tailor your copyrights for your research data to your wishes. Read more in the LibGuide here or at the Creative Commons webpage here.