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Zotero: Getting started

Reference management

Getting started with Zotero


Zotero makes it easy to build your own library and to create unambiguous in-text citations. It also allows you to automatically make a reference list at the end of a document.

To become a Zotero-user, all you have to do is to go through these four steps.

1. Go to, click on Log In and select Register for a free account

2. Download Zotero from

3. Download the Zotero Connector from
(this i automatically downloaded in step 2, if you are on a Mac)

4. Open the Zotero desktop app and sync the desktop app with your online account.

The free version of Zotero has a storage limit of 300 MB per user, when using the online sync.

What does Zotero consist of?


- A desktop application that is locally installed on your computer.

- An online library (cloud storage and group administration)

- A browser plugin that allows you to easily add references to your Zotero-ibrary.

- A word plugin that allows you to cite from references in your Zotero-library.

How to install and use Zotero (Danish)

A video about the most basic features of Zotero

Courses and training

Click the calendar to see the coming Zotero-courses.

By default the Zotero-courses are in Danish, but they will be held in English if wished so by one or more participants.